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​Patel's work is about measuring, heavily influenced by William Coldstream and Euan Uglow. He started measuring from the age of 16. He creates still spaces, measuring  the relationships he finds within those spaces. He searches for balance and particularly form, and through measuring finds a structure, process and validity.
1973          Born May 10th in Leicester

1989          Attends Wyggeston Queen Elizabeth 1st College, Leicester
                   Awarded leavers Art Prize, Scores 99% at A-level Art

1991          Attends Loughborough College of Art, quits
1995          1st Class Honours B.Sc Computer Science, University of Manchester
1998          Exhibits at "The New Modernists" Berkeley Square House, London
                   with artist Akash Bhatt, RBA
2003          University of Cambridge commissions portrait of Bevil Mabey, CBE
2004          University of Cambridge commissions portrait of Peter Boizot, MBE
2005          University of Cambridge commissions portrait of
                   Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj,  B.A. , Hon. LL.D, Hon. Fellow,
                   First Prime Minister of Malaysia
2006          University of Cambridge commissions portrait of
                   Rai Bachchan, Phd, Poet Laureate India, 
                   and father of Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan
2007          Creates and teaches "Measuring the world" drawing course at Wyggeston
                   Queen Elizabeth 1st College, Leicester
2007          Mixed Exhibition at the Long Gallery, St Catharine's College, Cambridge


2007          Cambridge University art visit to India, Burma and Malaysia
2008          University of Cambridge commissions portrait of Ben Bibby, ongoing
2009          Mixed Exhibition "Transitions", at Gallery 12, Leicester
2012          Electric Picture House Gallery, Congleton, Mixed Exhibition
2012          New English Art Club,​
                   Mall Gallery, London, Finalist
2012          Paintings enter BBC / Public Catalogue Foundation                                                
2013          Published in Volume 1, State of Art, Barehill publishing
2013          Continues to work and live at Clifton Hall, Nottingham

2005           Portrait of a Cambridge College, John Walters, p100
2012           Public Catalogue Foundation -
2013           State of Art, Barehill Publishing - Vol 1.




Public Collections
University of Cambridge, St Catharine's College


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